Tag: Cold Beverages

Gajar Ki Kanji

Gajar Ki Kanji

Gajar Ki Kanji
Gajar Ki Kanji
Time To Cook
Preparation Time = 10 mins.
Cooking Time = 0 mins.
4 Persons 1 Cup = 250 ml.
1 Teaspoon = 4 g.
1 Tablespoon = 15 g.


Black Carrot (or else Red Carrot & Beatroot) – 250 gm
Salt – 50 gm
Black Salt – 2 Sticks
Red Chilli Powder – 20 gm
Mustard Seeds Powder – 2 Tablespoons
Water – 2.5 lit

• Take 2.5 lit water in a glass jar
• Add black carrots
• Add 2 teaspoons salt
• Add ½ teaspoon black salt
• Add 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
• Add 4 teaspoons mustard seeds powder
• Stir well
• Close the lid of the jar
• Keep in a diffused sunlight
• In 3-4 days Gajar Ki Kanji will be ready
• You can serve it or else store it in a refrigerator


Virgin Kiwi Mojito

Virgin Kiwi Mojito

Virgin Kiwi Mojito
Virgin Kiwi Mojito
Time To Cook
Preparation Time = 10 mins.
Cooking Time = 0 mins.
4 Persons 1 Cup = 250 ml.
1 Teaspoon = 4 g.
1 Tablespoon = 15 g.


Kiwis – 2-3 Nos.
Lemon Juice – 2 Tablespoons
Sugar Syrup – 80ml
Mint Leaves – 10-15 Nos.
Lemon Slices – 4-5
Soda Water – 1 Bottle
Ice Cubes – 1 Tray
Black Salt & Sugar Mix to coat Glass Rim

• Take 4 tall glasses
• Wet glass rims with lemon juice. Dip the rims in salt and sugar mix
• Add mint leaves and lemon slices in glasses. Crush them with a mudler
• Add ice cubes in glasses
• Pour sugar syrup and adjust quantity according to the sourness of kiwis
• Put kiwi crush and top with soda water
• Stir and serve immediately


Plum Sharbat

Plum Sharbat

Plum Sharbat
Plum Sharbat
Time To Cook
Preparation Time = 0 mins.
Cooking Time = 10-15 mins.
4 Persons 1 Cup = 250 ml.
1 Teaspoon = 4 g.
1 Tablespoon = 15 g.


Plums – 300 gm
Sugar – 1 Cup
Lemon – 2 Nos.
For Serving
Sabja, soaked – 1 Teaspoon
Ice – 1 Tray
Mint Leaves – 10-15 Nos.

• Boil plums in 2 cups of water for 5 – 10 mins.
• Let it cool.
• Remove seeds. Strain it.
• Put sugar in plum juice and boil it for 5 – 10 mins.
• When cooled squeeze lemon in it and then refrigerate it.
For Serving
• Soak sabja in ¼ cup of water.
• Add water in plum juice.
• Put ice in a glass.
• Pour plum drink and add 1 tablespoon soaked sabja.
• Garnish with lemon wedges and mint leaves.
• Serve chilled.
