Lettuce Salad

Lettuce Salad

Lettuce Salad
Lettuce Salad
Time To Cook
Preparation Time = 15 mins.
Cooking Time = 0 mins.
2 Persons 1 Cup = 250 ml.
1 Teaspoon = 4 g.
1 Tablespoon = 15 g.


Lettuce Leaves – 1 Big Bowl
Fresh Strawberries, Diced – 1 Bowl
Black Currants – 1 Bowl
Apple, Chunks – 1 Bowl
Mint Leaves – 1 Tablespoon
Salt – As per taste
Black Pepper, Powder – ¼ Teaspoon
Olive Oil – 1 Teaspoon
Strawberry Crush – 2 Teaspoon
Lemon Juice – 1 Lemon

• Make small pieces of lettuce leaves in a big bowl
• Take a small bowl for making salad dressing
• Add lemon juice of 1 lemon
• Add strawberry crush
• Add salt as per taste
• Add black pepper
• Add olive oil
• Mix well. Salad dressing is ready
• Add strawberries to bowl containing lettuce leaves
• Add black currants
• Add diced apple
• Add salad dressing
• Mix well
• Add mint leaves
• Lettuce salad is ready


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