Lemon Mint Iced Tea

Lemon Mint Iced Tea

Lemon Mint Iced Tea
Iced Tea
Time To Cook
Preparation Time = 0 mins.
Cooking Time = 10-15 mins.
4 Persons 1 Cup = 250 ml.
1 Teaspoon = 4 g.
1 Tablespoon = 15 g.


Sugar – 3 tablespoon
Tea Leaves – 2 tablespoon
Lemons – 2-3 nos.
Mint Leaves – 10-15 nos.
Ice Cubes – 1 tray
Water – 2 cup

• Boil water.
• Add sugar and mint. Boil for few secs.
• Add tea leaves. Do not boil tea leaves. Let tea infuse in water.
• Strain tea. Let it cool down to room temperature.
• Keep in refrigerator.
For serving
• Add ice cubes, 2-3 lemon wedges and mint leaves. Squeeze lemons and pour tea in a tall glass. Stir well with stirrer.
• Serve it chilled.


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